A Digital Window to Reality as a Language Teacher

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag og mundtlige bidrag

Marta Kirilova - Inviteret foredragsholder

Emma Lea Tryggvason Juul - Foredragsholder

Join our 20-minute workshop to explore the integration of educational technology into language education. Discover how video data collected at a language center, analyzed using tools like ELAN, NVivo, and PRAAT, can enhance learning. Explore the potential impact on student engagement and skill development. Learn how educators in other disciplines can draw inspiration from our experience in providing students insights into real-world practices. We'll showcase our data processing methods and facilitate discussions on adaptation. Don't miss this opportunity to explore educational technology's potential in language education and beyond, all within a concise, informative session. Look at the video here: https://oer.ku.dk/media/t/0_sjse7tkq
23 nov. 2023

Begivenhed (Konference)

TitelMake a Difference 2023
Dato23/11/2023 → …
AfholdelsesstedSøndre Campus KU
Grad af anerkendelseInternational begivenhed

ID: 377058988