The Intellectual Dark Web: Constructing public intellectual authority in the Digital Age

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Mikkel Bækby Johansen - Invited speaker

New online media platforms have transformed the process of constructing public intellectual authority in contemporary Western societies. Social media, crowdfunding sites and other digital platforms based on user generated content constitute the cornerstones of a new mediated public intellectual space. YouTube, Twitter and Patreon enable public intellectuals, e.g. members of “The Intellectual Dark Web”, to spread their ideas and connect with audiences without the interference of legacy institutions and gatekeepers. In turn, this stimulates new forms of user engagement. Intellectual products circulate in new ways online, as users fund, share, edit and discuss media content produced by public intellectuals, ultimately contributing to the construction of public intellectual authority. In my talk, I am going to outline the theoretical and analytical framework for studying public intellectualism in the Digital Age.
19 May 2020

Event (Seminar)

TitlePublic intellectualism and hate speech online - Two presentations on the role of social media in public knowledge creation
Abbreviated titlePublic intellectualism and hate speech online
LocationAarhus University
Degree of recognitionNational event

    Research areas

  • public intellectuals, public intellectualism, intellectual dark web, authority, intellectual networks, social media logic, social media, platformization, YouTube

ID: 242660312