Why This Now: Introduction to Reflecting Ourselves Through Digital Media

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

There is a close relationship between the screen emergence and formation of the self, the modern self-reflective individual. The context is reflected most recently via selfies, images of the self taken with a smartphone or digital camera and posted on a social media. We are created all the time through technology. This is done via wearables, where we measure our heart rate, our time, our bike rides, by taking selfies, send and receive messages, pictures, smileys, SMS, MMS or using Skype. We are thus constantly in the process of creating an image of ourselves. We make a self-reflection. We will identify and interpret these self-images or self-trackings from different perspectives in the presentations.
Original languageDanish
Title of host publicationReflecting Ourselves Through Digital Media
EditorsBent Fausing, Louise Yung Nielsen
Number of pages7
Place of PublicationCopenhagen
Publication statusIn preparation - 10 Dec 2018
EventReflecting Ourselves Through Digital Media - Universiyty of Copenhagen, Southern Campus, KUA 1, auditorium 22.0.11, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 3 Nov 20163 Nov 2016


SeminarReflecting Ourselves Through Digital Media
LocationUniversiyty of Copenhagen, Southern Campus, KUA 1, auditorium 22.0.11

ID: 168852296